How to Accelerate Action for ALL Your Female Clients

How to Accelerate Action for ALL Your Female Clients

By Caroline Green

Career sessions provide clients with the time, space, and tools to advance their careers, but they’re far from just cosy chats. These sessions are always action-focused, aligning perfectly with this year’s theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) of Accelerate Action. 

Celebrated annually on the 8th of March, IWD highlights the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women worldwide. This year’s theme emphasises the urgency of driving gender equality forwards, calling on everyone to challenge systemic barriers and biases that hold women back.  

Here are three ways career professionals can support womens progress and help them accelerate their careers meaningfully: 

1. A Dress with Pockets Isn’t Just an Outfit 

Why do women get so excited about dresses with pockets? Because far from just being a practical fashion choice, women historically didn’t need pocketsWith no keys or money of their own, pockets were irrelevantAfter all, it wasn’t, for example, until 1975 that women in the UK could take out a mortgage on their own without a male guarantor, nor were they encouraged into any career to make money of their ownAnd while times may have changed somewhat, challenges like the gender pay gap still persist. 

With a legacy like this, it’s no wonder many women struggle with confidence in their careers.  As career professionals, a vital part of our role is helping clients build the confidence in themselves to accelerate their careers without fear or self-doubt holding them back.  

Confidence is the foundation of actionSo, if you want to start by sparking meaningful conversations about career confidence, try coaching questions like: 

  • If you weren’t afraid, what would you do? 
  • What makes you feel most confident in your daily life? 
  • What does success look like to you? 

This last question is especially pertinent for women, who often use words like should' during coaching conversations. I should take that promotion. I should feel grateful for this job. These phrases often reflect external pressures and expectations rather than their own desires. Encourage clients to focus on what they truly want   

Also remember that these societal expectations are ingrained from an early age, so don’t be afraid to challenge unhelpful self-talk patterns, even in young peopleLikewise, part of our role is to support a client to break down any role/gender-based stereotypesBeing female should not exclude you from any job title.   

Nor should it stop you from applying for a role, no matter how the advert is written or whether you feel you ‘tick all the boxes’ they are looking forMuch research has been done into the psychology of why women don’t apply for roles, and it’s often down to confidenceSo, we can support our clients to have the confidence to apply for roles they fear may be beyond their reach, simply because of how they are advertised. 

2. Providing a Safe Space for Women Without Children 

Motherhood is often held up as the ideal for women, both in society and in the workplace a phenomenon known as pronatalism. This narrative assumes that all women either are, or aspire to be, mothers. They don’tFor those who cannot, or choose not to have children, this can create a sense of isolation and even judgment, feeling that others are questioning their life-choices or abilities.   

We can create an inclusive environment for all women, mothers and non-mothers alike. This means being mindful of language, avoiding assumptions (including for young women), and validating each client’s unique journey. We don’t always know what is happening to a client in their private life, but if they do share, using the right language (CFBC – childfree by choice vs CNBC – childless not by choice), and listening to what they need, are seemingly small but significant ways to support. 

Whatever their parental status, we can advise clients on seeking organisations with the right culture fit, understanding their legal rights and building the confidence to put forward their caseWhether it is about the timings of shifts, travel for work, or not wanting to be present for a baby shower, supporting clients with finding their voice can build confidence.  Developing your knowledge in areas such as the new flexible working bill which gives employees the right to request flexible working from day one of employment, is also importantThis isn’t the sole right of parents and requests should not be rejected out of hand just because they do not relate to childcare. 

3. Navigating Hormonal Challenges with Empathy 

Hormonal changes can impact women at every stage of life, influencing how they feel about their careers and their ability to perform at work. From the intense hormonal fluctuations of adolescence to the challenges of menopause, hormones affect energy, mood, and confidence. 

Young women may struggle with self-esteem or concentration due to hormonal imbalances, while older women navigating (peri)menopause might face symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, or anxiety and lose confidence as they don’t feel like themselves. Additionally, women dealing with pregnancy, miscarriage, or fertility treatments may carry emotional and physical burdens that affect their professional lives. 

Career professionals can play a critical role by acknowledging these realities and offering support. We may not always know what a client is experiencing, but by providing a judgment-free space, we can encourage open dialogue about how these factors impact their careers. Showing empathy and tailoring advice to their needs ensures they feel heard and valued.  You can also provide practical support, including: 

  • Explore strategies to build resilience and manage stress. 
  • Discuss ways to navigate fatigue and how to research workplaces with flexible working cultures or menopause policies.  
  • For women facing pregnancy loss or fertility challenges, offer compassionate support and flexible solutions, and encourage them to review company bereavement and fertility policies. 

As career professionals, we’re uniquely positioned to support women towards meaningful change, helping them overcome obstacles and embrace their potential. Whether it’s building confidence, fostering inclusivity, or addressing life’s complexities with empathy, our efforts can help all women and young girls to accelerate their careers. 

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