Denise Taylor
Dr Denise Taylor is a double award winning career coach, associate fellow of the British Psychological Society, author of 6 career books and a well-known career coach, regularly featured in the media. She is also the owner of a private wood, researcher, and Vision Quest Guide.
Dr Denise Taylor is a double award winning career coach, associate fellow of the British Psychological Society, author of 6 career books and a well-known career coach, regularly featured in the media. She is also the owner of a private wood, researcher, and Vision Quest Guide. Denise has a passion for working with people aged 50 and over – you are not too old and it is not too late to create a satisfying career and life.
A long life learner, reaching 60 proved a turning point. Denise undertook her first vision quest, and commenced her doctorate. At 64 she was awarded a doctorate for her research in retirement adjustment and how people find meaning in life after full time work. Denise completed a second vision quest and is completing her apprenticeship as a vision quest guide, ready to take older people through a nature based quest as a Rite of Passage into elderhood. Her love of nature lead to her buying a 4 acre wood in 2021 and she gains inspiration from quietly listening to messages received from the natural world.
Denise Taylor
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